Saturday, 28 September 2013

Trapped in a Ladies room toilet stall!

It is not the kind of adventures I thought I would have in Addis but nevertheless, it happened. I was trapped in a toilet stall! 

It is Saturday in Addis and I had work to do so I headed into the office. I had a set keys to let myself in. This is an important point because I am alone in the office. 

I head to the ladies room and lock the stall door. It jams and I cannot unlock it. After struggling for a while, I realise the lock is not going to give and I need to figure out another wait out. 

The gap between the floor and the door is too narrow so I have to go up and over. 

Somehow I do it! With a combination of rock climbing / ninja moves, I manage to make it up onto the toilet tank, over the divider and onto the other side. See attached photo of offending stall. 

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